Hot Girl Healing Vibes for 2023

by | Dec 20, 2022

Hosted by Keri Ford

As we approach 2023, Keri wants you to be able to enter this new year as the 1% woman. This means showing up in the new year as the healed and highest version of yourself. Have you ever felt someone walk into the room and their energy introduces them? Keri wants that for you. To be able to exude energy of confidence, peace, poise, and a sense of being grounded. Sounds amazing, right? But how do you get to that place? It starts with the awareness of how you are operating right now.

So many of us high achievers are operating from an “anxious achiever archetype.” Operating from this place has served us in the way that it has gotten us to where we are now and helped us achieve great things and goals that we set out, but do you ever feel like you are stuck in a cycle or hitting the same wall over and over but can’t seem to get away from it? Keri explains that this is our nervous system doing its job by keeping us safe and operating as if we are in danger, even if we aren’t. By viewing our nervous system with a sense of love and understanding, we can acknowledge that it has done its job, but it’s not serving our highest self, so we need to create new ways that help us reach our potential.

Keri’s hot girl healing vibes for 2023 stem from her word for the year: Resilience. Choosing a word instead of a bunch of resolutions helps you to be more intentional as you think about what you want to feel and embody this next year. Keri’s questions for you are: “What are you tired of pretending you don’t want?” “Where are you playing small in your life, and how do you really want to lead?” “What do you want people to say when they feel you and experience you as a woman in the world?” Imagine what is possible when you break through the limiting beliefs you are telling yourself. Imagine what is possible if you go “all in”. Join Keri in this episode as we move into 2023 as the 1% woman, the highest expression of ourselves, the “all out” version that doesn’t care what others think, and is committed to reaching Somatic Success. Keri wants to know, what is your word for 2023?

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Follow Keri @iamkeriford
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