Get two FREE months of access to The Millionaire Mind$et Meditation Program

The meditation program that is designed to calibrate your mind + body to receive more abundance and wealth.

I’m so excited that you’ve chosen to attend The Goal Digger Conference and I just know you’re going to walk away from this with incredible value and amazing ideas for your business!

You may be digging into all these amazing tools during the conference, or maybe you’re already back home after the event. Either way, I know that you’re probably feeling fired up about your business and brimming with new ideas!

I really wanted to empower you with an integration tool that you can use after the event to follow through on these ideas and to truly create the life and business you desire.

This is why I’ve chosen to gift you 2 months of free access to The Millionaire Mind$et Program!

Why meditation?

Meditation has been proven to change your brain and improve your memory.

It has also been shown to:
Slow down the aging process
Reduce anxiety
Boost your immune system

Meditation is one piece of the puzzle that will allow you to live a truly rich life. One in which you’re rich in ALL areas of your life.

By listening to the meditations, in 25 minutes or less, you will reprogram your mind and body so that you can feel safe in receiving all of the abundance that is already yours and in achieving all of the goals you’ve set out to achieve during the conference.

What makes the Millionaire Mind$et unique:

    • You get brand new meditations every single week
    • It’ll be like having me as a personal coach in your ear to guide you into elevated states of consciousness
    • You will increase your capacity to hold more abundance
    • You’ll be able to call in more of what you desire. More love, more money, more miracles.


    About Keri Ford

    Hey, I’m Keri, and I’m so grateful that you’re here. 

    I’m the CEO & Founder of Elevate with Keri – an elite transformational coaching movement and luxury brand dedicated to serving and elevating women’s emotional intelligence and whole-body high performance. 

     My mission is to empower women to create success on their terms in all areas of their lives because it’s not really a rich life if you’re only wealthy in part of it. 

     I decided to create a meditation membership because:

    • Meditation completely change my life and I wanted to share this gift with others
    • I felt called to connect with more people and to offer a way for even more people to work with me

    Listening to these meditations will be just like having me as a personal coach in your ear. I’m so excited to coach you and see the results you will experience!