This past year has been challenging for many of us, and it has brought about many emotions. Thankfully, a new year is just around the corner and we can learn from the past year and move forward in a wiser way.
Even if you don’t have all the information you want, you don’t need to worry about how your process should look or what anyone else’s work should look like. We can take what resonates with us from our experiences or from the teachers in our lives and incorporate it into our lifestyle going forward, while leaving behind what we don’t like. After learning from someone else and following the rules at first, you can get to the fun part of breaking them.
Having tried many different approaches through her company, Keri feels like she has walked the path and is now ready to write her own rules after doing things the way she has been taught and observing the examples of others. She wants to do things a bit differently in 2023.
Keri trusts and encourages other leaders to trust that their clients and employees are resilient and know what they need right now. Something brand NEW is coming and Keri will be offering LIFETIME access to this incredible program.
Connect with Keri:
Follow Keri @iamkeriford
Join Keri’s community @elevatewithkeri
Follow the podcast @literallyfirstclass
Apply for the next UNMADE Retreat on March 23rd in Atlanta here!
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