LFC 028: [ CoUpLeS eDiTiOn ] Let Love In with Jake Kauffman In this special couple’s edition of Literally First Class, Keri is joined by her partner, Jake Kauffman. Jake is a spiritual guide and high-performance men’s coach who blends personal transformation and business leadership in his approach. Together, Keri and Jake share their personal experiences of healing from historical trauma and opening themselves up to love. They discuss their dating experience during the lockdown, including why they took a break and how they ultimately came back together.
Before starting their relationship, both Keri and Jake did significant work on themselves. Keri examined her own enmeshment, while Jake explored his unconscious beliefs around love. Jake emphasizes the importance of asking ourselves what might be blocking us from receiving love, which he explores in depth in his upcoming book, Let Love In.
Jake also explains how self-sabotage can prevent us from experiencing abundance in our relationships. He notes that we can become attached to stories that protect us and bring us back to our comfort zone, but it’s crucial to lean into resistance instead of avoiding it. The most significant breakthroughs come from facing what we’re trying to avoid.
Whether you’re interested in personal growth, spiritual development, or improving your relationships, this episode has something for you. Join Keri and Jake as they share their personal experiences and valuable insights on healing from trauma, opening up to love, and overcoming self-sabotage.
For a limited time, you can get a pre-order copy of Jake’s book “Let LoveIn” for only $0.99, plus an exclusive 13-minute meditation bonus! Get your copy here.
About Jake Kauffman:
JakeKauffmanis a High-Performance Men’s Coach to 7 & 8-figure purpose-driven coaches, entrepreneurs & CEOs. He supports other conscious leaders in expanding themselves personally so that they can exponentially grow professionally. His unique approach to high-performance coaching can best be described as the intersection between personal transformation and business leadership.
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