When you have lost sight of your vision and are caught up in the daily grind, the best way to get out of that rut is to look at your daily patterns and offer a pattern interrupt. When it comes to disrupting a “basic bitch” day, Keri has 5 amazingly simple ,yet really powerful ways you can interrupt a pattern and turn a not-so-great or just basic day, into an amazing one. During this time of year, most people are not struggling with inspiration or setting goals, but soon we will start to enter the period when we might lose momentum and disconnect from our end goal. The end of the year comes around and we realize we have come so far from what we intended to meet at the beginning of the year. Keri wants more for you, so she offers 5 ways to redirect your energy when you start to fall into a slump.
The work of undoing patterns is just as much about becoming as it is unbecoming. We have to lose the identity that we have latched onto and isn’t aligned with who we are, which allows us to become who we are meant to be. We are stripping away the crap that we have added on or been handed over the years that is not serving us. Helping women overcome their current circumstances or perceived upper-level limit is a passion of Keri’s, and everything she teaches, she also lives and embodies,
This episode is packed with simple yet effective pattern interrupts you can incorporate into your daily routine to spice things up and make things light and fun when things start to drag. Tune in to hear 5 ways to disrupt any basic bitch day. You can shake things up in a big and even more powerful way by attending Keri’s next UNMADE retreat to get yourself out of your regular environment and into an elevated one. Tune in to hear more and check out the link below to sign up.
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Follow Keri @iamkeriford
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Apply for the next UNMADE Retreat on August 17th in Atlanta here! https://elevatewithkeri.com/unmade/
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